
Turtle Dove

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Turtle Dove
Streptopelia turtur

a member of the bird family Columbidae which includes the doves and pigeons.
Beautiful bird, with a lithe body,
Perches parts of the body of this bird color Chestnut pale red and brown with a black dots at the tip of wing
Dark color with white and black lines on a few aspects of the neck and a distinctive red eyes While if you look at the lower parts with a light pink color
Most of the feathers under the tail is black with white, a sign that this bird is known by envy when flying , feet dyed red.
Male and female are similar in form

This dove lived a major part of Europe and Central Asia, North Africa and the Canary Islands
Since the mid-1970, it has become such a strong degradation of passes, where its numbers have been decreasing
The reasons for this declines are habitat destruction and the use of pesticides and over-fishing along the line of flight immigration.

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This dove can be fed on seeds as a source of food in spite of that the dove also eat live food such as worms.
All kinds of migratory birds open appetite to eat strangely before the migration season about a month and do not wait until lack of food fly,
Otherwise, it will not be able to cut such distances without the necessary energy.
Begins to consume large quantities of food in order to build a strong body can continue to journey Immigration
Therefore, we see a fat chunky grease.

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Dove nesting in a low place in one of the trees and lay two white eggs and chicks out after about 14 days of incubation.
Produced in the summer season from about 4 to 6
chicks .

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Birds migrate to search for better living conditions and atmosphere for rest and relaxation .. And also for mating and reproduction
Migratory birds pass twice of the Arabian Peninsula:
Go in the 9 months to be in Europe and Central Asia and migrate before winter in Sudan, Somalia, and pass on coastal areas.
Either in 4 opposite from the Sudan to Europe and Asia, where the leaves free and looking for the moderate states in the air and brackish cooling slightly.

A quiet early in the morning does not move very much, but in the afternoon, and be warned, it is sensitive to the slightest movement.
Fly and rise in the liver of heaven, so keep a low profile.
And snaps into place more than a day where he begins to fly on the same day,
and cut between 80 to 90 km per night.

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