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Gray Wagtail
Latin Name
Motacilla cinerea
Pipits & wagtails (Motacillidae)
The grey wagtail is more colourful than its name suggests with slate grey upper parts and distinctive lemon yellow under-tail. Its tail is noticeably longer than those of pied and yellow wagtails. They have gradually increased their range in the past 150 years and in the UK have expanded into the English lowlands from the northern and western uplands. They are badly affected by harsh winters, and because of recent moderate declines it is an Amber List species.
Pied Wagtail

Latin Name
Motacilla alba
Pipits & wagtails (Motacillidae)
A delightful small, long-tailed and rather sprightly black and white bird. When not standing and frantically wagging its tail up and down it can be seen dashing about over lawns or car parks in search of food. It frequently calls when in its undulating flight and often gathers at dusk to form large roosts in city centres.
Yellow Wagtail
Latin Name
Motacilla flava
Pipits & wagtails (Motacillidae)
The yellow wagtail is a small graceful yellow and green bird, with a medium-length tail, and slender black legs. It spends much time walking or running on the ground. As its name implies, it wags its tail from time to time. It is a summer visitor, migrating to winter in Africa. It has been in decline since at least the 1980s, most likely due to loss of habitat for breeding and feeding, making it an Red List species.
Frome The RSPB
