Latin name
Upupa epops
Hoopoe (Upupidae)
This bird lives in trees or burrows Burrows rocky and narrow, even in old buildings. And the female sitting on eggs 12-15 days as a period custody until the hatch. The male feeds the female during the incubation period and feed the young after hatching. Usually embraces small every year so they leave the nest after 26-32 days of hatching, and has a fantastic ability for water and disclosure of his presence under the ground. Characterized's pace tormented in aviation and the enemy, and outstanding qualities as well that he can banish any animal harmful or predator from its nest or young people by spraying spray black oily stench of the gland base of the tail away any intruder, and even young children can do so if they feel threatened. It is characterized by the bird it off and good appearance, especially with those bumps or feathery crown at the back of his head. Length of about 31 cm and colors vary by region, including the following color of cinnamon - including brown wings with striped or colored black and white. Hooked beak is long and strong and almost circular wings, short legs and tail box, and beautiful feathers in the back of his head might be a form of helicopters when provoked, and works on inflatable neck feathers when you call. When the risk blinks his head. Deals with herbs from the wild open, preferably insects such as worms and larvae picked up from the soft soils and rocks, narrow slots using a long beak, and eats small animals such as lizards. And eat alone or with spouse during the period of rearing their offspring, especially during the spring and summer, and the rest of the times have fed collectively. Can see the water in the distance, is felt in the ground. If the flap over the place as it contains water.
Platoon Hoopoe
There is no agreement among scientists, the number of types of this bird species, but generally there (one genus (Upupa) and five subspecies, but all the scientists (Climents) and (Sibley) and (Monroe) went on the division of this bird in 1991 into two main They are:
(Eurasian), a so-called scientific
(U. epops; ranging across Eurasia) and in northwest Africa),
As well as
(U. africana; ranges through much of sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar)
. While scientists considered (Fry, Keith & Urban) in 1988 they were one class as the convergence characteristics and behavior differences in feathers is not a big difference among them despite their votes clearly. If we follow the view of these scholars have, there are three kinds of the Hoopoe (Eurasian) and (African) and (Madagascar Hoopoe U. marginata)
This is demonstrated recently by several researchers such as (Morris & Hawkins) in 1998.
This has been showed the most important differences among these species, most notably different colors and different sounds, Valenua EAU less diverse colors of the type of Malagasy bird (Upupa epops), which is characterized also clearly his voice more than Hodhod Asia and Europe.
Describes (Witherby et al's) actions of some of the Hoopoe bird in the research published in 1943, that, walking quietly and run times, which is fond of bathing in the sand.
Eat mainly from the ground and diet of the President in the grassy areas on worms and grubs and insects, and the show ring vertical blades characteristic when emotion and fear, and reduced, while activity at rest,
Recipe has hounded President to evade him like an eagle, owls, and other aviation by highway or by disguising the ground work,
And lives in trees and old buildings, walls and burrows rock.
Proved to the researchers (J. DAVID LIGON) and (SANDRA H. LIGON) from the Biology Department at the University of New Mexico that the Hoopoe of the most bird cooperation and love to help especially for the chicks from nests other for the same kind, and proved through experiments on ((the green wood-hoopoe ( Phoeniculus purpureus) that the property of the most important characteristics of the strategy that performed like a result of self-interest for himself, making it impossible to believe the old prevailing view that animal, including birds, owns only aggressive toward other recipes

Sound Of Hoopoe